Normalized region caused corrupt project

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Normalized region caused corrupt project

Post by offthesky » Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:59 pm

so i ran into kind of a big nasty issue while working on a song tonight that is causing a serious problem with my project. here's exactly the steps i went through to make this happen: i selected a region on track 1, chose process->normalize. tapped the scan button first, then chose the following settings: level: -2db, release 50ms, mode: peak. clipping: saturate(as i'd done so many times before). then i hit okay and the progress bar didn't move at all for like 5 minutes. i was actually about to kill auria, when the progress bar finally went away. i looked at the region i had just normalized and noticed that there was no waveform, which is wrong because i normalized it to almost 0, so the peaks should have been very noticeable. i then listened to the region and it had somehow been screwed into really super loud white noise(which is weird, since there was no visible waveform on the region at this point).

so naturally, i hit undo to try and get the region back to it's un-messed up state. the undo window popped up as per usual but just sat there... for like 10-15 minutes. i then had to kill auria but it wouldn't open after that(just crashed immediately with each try), i then rebooted the ipad. after rebooting, and reloading auria - now when it tries to open my project, auria spends literally 5+ minutes sitting there loading it(im on an ipad 2 with ios 5.1.1). it does eventually load the project but the regions in question still play super ugly loud white noise(with no waveform)(btw, the cpu is still around 20% and memory around 240m; same as before the project became corrupt). also odd to note, if i load up another project, and tap file->import audio, then try and navigate into the corrupt project's folder, it literally sits there for 5+ minutes before it finally opens the folder.

this is a real crappy bug because now the particular audio file (which was the basis for the entire song) is completely screwed up and the project barely loads now! i really hope there's a solution for this because having audio files/projects simply go corrupt like that is huge nightmare!

p.s. to anybody else out there, i highly recommend to make backups often of your projects as you work on them because auria might eat them!

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Re: Normalized region caused corrupt project

Post by Rim » Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:57 am

I haven't seen this before. Could you send me the entire project (zipped)? I'll take a look at it here. What sample rate were you using? Was the file wav or aif? Stereo, or mono? We've tested Normalize hundreds of times without any issues, so I'm wondering if there's something unique about your file that's causing a bug to appear.

Have you tried manually adding that file to a new project, to see if the file itself is corrupted?


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Re: Normalized region caused corrupt project

Post by offthesky » Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:50 am

rim, thanks for looking into this. it's odd for me too as i've used the normalize 100+ times already myself and with no issues remotely like this.

the file in question is called "Audio 05-3.wav" - it's 44khz(the project's native rate) and 24bit(stereo), as it was recorded directly into the project. i did try importing said audio file into another project and again it took the 5+ minutes to a.)access the corrupt project's folder and b.) another 5+ mins to actually import the file into a different project. now this different project takes 5+ mins to load. i also made a duplicate of the corrupt project and removed Audio 05-3.wav and the duplicate project now loads quickly in a normal time frame. so i definitely think that particular corrupt audio file is causing the load time problems. but for me, most importantly is what caused my audio recording to become corrupt in the first place(and how can we avoid this pitfall until the problem is fixed)?

another clue i remembered: the track on which the region(s) became corrupt on(track 1) - is a stereo track but was recording, oddly, in mono before the corruption happened(i double checked the input matrix while this odd mono recording was happening and track 1 was definitely set to record stereo L/R). so i made a second stereo track and did further stereo recordings on the new track(since track 1 persisted to record mono). after this, i moved my recording from t2 to t1(so they'd all go through the same effects). i then made a copy of one of the regions of track 1 and moved it to track 2 to pull it's in/out points all the way to normalize the whole thing(it's only a 14 sec clip). i then performed the normalize on this region to cause the corruption...

Last edited by offthesky on Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Normalized region caused corrupt project

Post by Rim » Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:29 am

Thanks, I've got the project now. I'll have a look and let you know what I find. I appreciate the help.


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Re: Normalized region caused corrupt project

Post by offthesky » Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:29 am

also, one last detail i remembered - the stereo track that oddly recorded mono, was initially a mono track that had some mono regions(and maybe fx) on it at one point. i deleted all the mono regions on that a while ago and dropped stereo regions onto it at some point (thus turning it into a stereo track). i believe those mono recordings i did on this track right before the file corruption, were the first recordings done on that track after i turned the track stereo.

sorry for so many details (i worked in software/video game QA for a while) - hope they help!

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